Multiswitchs Televesa
Multiswitchs Telmora
Multiswitchs Triaxa
Multiswitches are devices usually invisible for users, which serve invaluably allowing to avoid a 'forest' of aerials on roofs and elevations of buildings. They additionally allow to fuel even hundreds of recipients from one aerial. The multiswiches which we offer have an extender warranty time. If there is such a need, we can extend the time to even 5 years.
An important fact is that a few years ago there was a new Building Regulation introduced which obligates investors to equip new and renovated buildings with i.a. multiswitch installations. In this deparmtent you will find amplifiers, taps and other accessories used along with multiswitches. In case there is such a need, Elpio will design multiswitch installation for a big object and will help with its launching – ask about it.
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