We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer of cables with flame retardant and halogen-free LSZH insulation, which meet the highest quality and safety standards:
In relation to the above, Elpio sp. z o. o. informs that all building cables offered for sale meet the CPR directive and has the appropriate documentation to confirm this.
The CPR Directive characterises cables and wires in terms of reaction to fire as classes: Aca, B1ca, B2ca, Cca, Dca, Eca, Fca, along with additional criteria that take into account smoke emission, the occurrence of burning droplets and the acidity of thermal decomposition and combustion products.
Halogen-free LSZH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen) - why is it important?
Halogen-free cables do not contain halogens, which means that in the event of a fire they do not emit toxic gases. This minimizes the risk to people and equipment in the event of a fire. Choosing halogen-free cables is not only a more ecological choice, but above all a safe one.
From 1 July 2017 all installation cables are treated as construction products
New regulations oblige product manufacturers to have the so-called DoP (Declaration of Performance), i.e. Declaration of Performance, to make these Declarations available, as well as to mark products covered by DoP with the appropriate CE mark. The EN50575 standard indicates requirements for the behavior of the product in fire conditions, specifies the method of testing and classification of power, telecommunications and control cables used in buildings to a specific fire resistance class. The regulations are to oblige the use of construction products (including cables) in buildings and other construction facilities that limit the occurrence and spread of fire and smoke.
The CPR Directive (Construction Products Regulation) entered into force on 1 July 2013.
This is the document of the European Parliament and the European Council No. 305/2011 of 9 March 2011, replacing Directive 89/106 EEC, relating to construction products. This regulation classifies construction products and also specifies the provisions concerning the methods of testing them.
For wires and cables used as construction products, the CPR directive is based directly on the above-mentioned European standard EN 50575:2014, the date of application of which was set for 1 July 2016. From that date, manufacturers/importers had 12 months to familiarise themselves with the new legal provisions and ensure full compliance with these regulations and, during that time, adapt to the new requirements.
The EN 50575:2014 standard applies to:
power cables – insulated conductors and wires used, among others, for power supply;
control and telecommunications cables – wires, symmetrical and coaxial cables with metal conductors used, for example, in telecommunications devices, for the transmission of data, radio frequency and video signals, and signalling and control;
optical cables – used e.g. in telecommunications devices, for transmitting data, radio and video frequency signals and in signalling devices and control equipment.
The previous legal order was such that cables and wires were subject to the safety principles of the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) and were subject to the rules of marking by the manufacturer with the CE mark. The EN50575 standard imposes an obligation on manufacturers, importers and distributors to perform tests by authorised research units in order to obtain appropriate certificates confirming the fire resistance class and to prepare a Declaration of Performance (DoP) to confirm the Euroclass.
The Euroclass enables classification according to the same principles and criteria throughout Europe. The marking of this fire classification can already be found on many labels, and will soon be required for all.
Euroclasses according to EN50575.
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